2024-10-27 | Joseph Farkas | jfarkas@metropolitanra.com | (516) 455-1562 | Sponsorship Only | Metropolitan Realty Associates LLC | 0 | 10000.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-27 | Joseph Farkas | jfarkas@metropolitanra.com | (516) 455-1562 | Sponsorship Only | Metropolitan Realty Associates LLC | 2 | 10400.00 | VOIDED |
2024-10-27 | JOSEPH FARKAS | mkopacz@metropolitanra.com | (516) 455-1562 | Sponsorship Only | METROPOLITAN REALTY ASSOCIATES LLC | | 10000.00 | CREATED |
2024-10-27 | JOSEPH FARKAS | mkopacz@metropolitanra.com | (516) 455-1562 | Sponsorship Only | METROPOLITAN REALTY ASSOCIATES LLC | 2 | 10400.00 | VOIDED |
2024-10-26 | Thomas Ryan | tr@lpspllc.com | (917) 863-6655 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-26 | Emily Moretta | emilymoretta1@yahoo.con | (860) 977-6772 | Tickets Only | | 1 | 200.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Drew Weiss | drew.weiss@nmrk.com | 5163812000 | Donation | Newmark | | 100.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Matt and Carolyn Durnan | matt@durnangroup.com | (516) 245-8194 | Sponsorship Only | The Durnan Group | | 1000.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Matthew Durnan | matt@durnangroup.com | (516) 808-5803 | Sponsorship Only | Durnan Group | | 1000.00 | CREATED |
2024-10-25 | Jessica Healy | jessicahealy25@gmail.com | (516) 761-3195 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Olivia Horan | olivia.h1311@gmail.com | (973) 294-4876 | Tickets Only | | 1 | 200.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Dorie Mehling | mehlingd@gmail.com | (516) 633-5346 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Sheila McGovern | sheilamcgovern31@gmail.com | (646) 734-6139 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Kevin O’Connor | KO@KThomasEnterprises.com | (631) 977-9250 | Sponsorship Only | K Thomas Enterprises | 2 | 1400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Sheila McGovern | sheilamcgovern31@gmail.com | (646) 734-6139 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | VOIDED |
2024-10-25 | MariBeth Pietropaoli | Maribethp@advantagetitle.com | (516) 902-2025 | Tickets Only | | 1 | 200.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Brian Rose | brian.rose@rbccm.com | (917) 374-1623 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Silvia Wenk | bardalessilvia@yahoo.com | (516) 710-2641 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-25 | Silvia and Martin Wenk | bardalessilvia@yahoo.com | (516) 710-2641 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | VOIDED |
2024-10-25 | Joseph Griffith | Joewgriff@gmail.com | (516) 477-5052 | Sponsorship Only | UBS | | 5000.00 | CREATED |
2024-10-24 | Michele Serafino | mserafino35@gmail.com | (917) 846-9592 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-24 | Ellen Lodato | elodato70@gmail.com | (917) 288-2315 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | CREATED |
2024-10-24 | Nick Forelli | nick4le@gmail.com | (516) 776-0569 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-24 | Kathy Paisley | paisleyk@mskcc.org | (516) 567-0797 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |
2024-10-24 | Cheri Dicerbo | laughwithcheri@gmail.com | (646) 249-9200 | Tickets Only | | 2 | 400.00 | COMPLETED |