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Real Estate Professionals Raise $100K for Charity

On Friday evening October 20, The Garden City Real Estate Professionals Foundation (GCRE) held its annual gala, Cocktails for a Cause at the Garden City Country Club in Garden City NY to support the Rix Family Foundation, “For All Who Fight”.   A check in the amount of $100,000 was presented to Margarite Rix, Mikeala Rix and Morgayne Rix, the Founders of For All Who Fight by the GCRE Trustees and Executive Board to fund research and treatment of breast cancer and ovarian cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering and NYU Langone Pearlmutter Cancer Center.

In opening remarks, Joe Farkas, President and Founding Trustee of GCRE stated that the Rix Family was a shining example of one of Garden City’s great families with very deep ties to the Garden City community and thanked JoEllen and Michael Rix for their commitment to helping others.   Mr. Farkas continued by introducing Margarite, Mikaela and Morgayne Rix to discuss their Foundation’s background and its goals as well as thank their physician’s who also personally attended the event. 

GCRE, through its members charitable giving, supports the charities and foundations of Garden City families throughout the year as well as the institutions that serve the Village and the community.  For more information on GCRE or how to become a member contact Joe Farkas, or   For information on how GCRE can support a specific Garden City charity, please contact Lauren Scarantino, or Frank Liantonio, or visit the GCRE website at

Real estate professionals raise $100K for charity – Garden City News (