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GCRE Makes Donation to NYU Winthrop Hospital

On Thursday April 2nd the Garden City Real Estate Professionals Foundation (GCRE) held its first Virtual Fund Raising Cocktail Party via Zoom to raise money for NYU/Winthrop and its First Responders.  Through the efforts of GCRE’s 55 dedicated members $7,250 was raised in just 90 minutes.  During the Virtual Cocktail Gathering GCRE Members discussed family activities, business concerns, government directives and recognized the importance of our community’s first responders for the care and dedication they provide Garden City residents in times of need.

Founding Trustee and President Joseph A. Farkas stated “GCRE’s mission continues to be focused on assisting the residents of Garden City and supporting their important causes.  It was clear to the entire GCRE Membership that the First Responders at NYU/Winthrop Hospital needed assistance and GCRE wanted to contribute to their wellbeing.”  GCRE has agreed to allow Winthrop to use this donation at their discretion to support the work of the first responders. Mr. Farkas also noted that GCRE is planning another Virtual Cocktail Party later this month and hopes to be equally successful.”

As has been tradition, the GCRE is already planning its Annual Cocktails for a Cause Gala to be held this October, 2020 (a “save the date” will be circulated once NYS health conditions can be better quantified) and will be supporting the 20th anniversary of Mollies Fund.   For more information on GCRE please visit their website at or contract Joe Farkas at  For more information on Mollies Fund please go to or contact jack Biggane at

GCRE makes donation to NYU Winthrop Hospital – Garden City News (