Real Estate Foundation Raises Funds for Kids
Heather Dall’Aste, NYU Langone/Winthrop, Joseph Farkas, Founding Trustee, President, GCRE, Dr. Mark Efraim Weinblatt, NYU Langone/Winthrop, Frank Liantonio, Trustee, Vice President and Chairman of the Charitable Events Committee, GCRE, Lauren Scarantino,...
GCREF Presents Checks to Charities
Brian Pinnola, Vice President, GCRE, Joseph A. Farkas, President and Founding Trustee, GCRE, Lauren Scarantino, Charitable Events Committee Co-Chair, Executive Committee Member, GCRE, Amanda Kinney, Charitable Events Committee Co-Chair, Executive...
On Wednesday, October 21st, the Garden City Real Estate Professionals Foundation (GCRE) hosted their first “in-person” charitable cocktail event of the year at the Garden City Country Club and presented gifts to THE INN and MOLLIES FUND. ...
With Gratitude from NYU Langone
From Lynn Drucker, Assistant Vice President:
“I wanted to share that this past week the efforts of The Garden City Real Estate Foundation were deeply appreciated by so many of our Hospital staff and me too! I am sending along a few...