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2019 Cocktail Soiree

To All Members,

We had a fantastic event last night and thank you to all who joined.   A special thank you to Frank Liantonio for arranging use of the C&W event space and coordinating an impressive array of hors d’oeuvres.  I am also very pleased to say that to date we have had strong support and have collected 18 of 45 annual membership dues.  If you have not paid yet, please forward your checks to our Trustee and Secretary Mr. Gary Rufrano at 89 5th St, Garden City.

I have a few “selfies” I took last night for our new website… shout out to Sal Ciaravino, Trustee and Membership Chair for coordinating this great new feature!!! Sal will be sending a separate email outlining the website’s features and how to access information through your personal log-ins.

Finally, if any of the Members have thoughts on a special Charitable Foundation that GCRE can support at this year’s Annual Fundraiser (October 2019), please submit to your thoughts/ideas to Frank Liantonio, Our Trustee and Chairperson of the Charitable Committee or to the Co-Chairs, Ms. Lauren Scarantino or Ms. Amanda Kinney.

Thank you again and looking forward to seeing everyone again very soon.

Our next event will be held in Garden City for convenience when the weather breaks.  More details on this upcoming “Special” event to follow… will NOT want to miss it. 

